Australian Society for Educational Technology

Educational Technology
for the Clever Country

This book contains selected papers from EdTech'92, the Biennial Conference of the Australian Society for Educational Technology, held at the University of Adelaide, South Australia, 1-3 October 1992.
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Michael GrantEcunet, Edith Cowan University's video conferencing network: Two years on1-9
John G Hedberg and Barry HarperNavigation options in interactive multimedia10-16
Geoff RehnThe Western Australian Networks for Learning trial: Overcoming the problems of distance17-30
Graham Huxham, Bev Oelrichs and Eileen BeswickIntroducing computer based education31-38
Rod Alford and Nev PryorLearning needs in industry: Meeting the challenge39-48
Allan ChristieThe use of advanced learning technologies in health sciences education49-52
David Arnold and James SteeleThe Parliament Stack53-59
Brian InwoodSupporting the multimedia courseware author: An introduction to the ACT-IT Project60-68
Geoff RehnInteractive audio and CALL on the Macintosh69-72
Leonard L WebsterDeveloping evaluation and design methodologies for multimedia based learning73-78
James Burgess and Greg ColgraveThe Core Safety Training Project: A networked, multimedia, competency based training program79-92
Patricia YoungbloodIssues in the development of multimedia courseware93-101
Stephen M BarnettYes, I did do it on repurpose!102-109
Susan E MetrosInterface-lift: Elective or compulsory?110-150
Phil WallaceAn incremental-transfer approach to instructional design151-155
M J Biggar and C J ScottTelecommunications impacts on interactive multimedia156-163
Lesley Richardson and Tom DuncanThe interactive CD - learning and/or entertainment?164-174
Roger AtkinsonThe National Educational Communications Framework: Analysing the question of common technical specifications175-188
Karl J O'CallaghanConsidering the human factor in open learning: The police experience189-196
Clare McBeathDesk top publishing: A case study197-214
Neale Kemp, Fons Nouwens and Steve TowersDeveloping style for multi-institutional distance education course development projects215-223
Shih-Hsion HuangGlobal aspects of resource sharing: The Library's vital role of information transmission224-235
Rigmor GeorgeIdentification of suitable distance education technologies in the Anangu Teacher Education Program236-243
Robert GoodwinUsing desktop publishing to produce educational materials: Hardware and software issues244-246
Ian HartThe view from "Clever City": Looking at Australian education through promotional videotapes247-254
Ernst HintzThe distance education learner and educational technology255-258
Grahame RamsayOpen learning and telecourses: The role of television in adult education in Australia259-266

Bibliographic details

Hedberg, John G. and Steele, James (Eds) (1992). Educational Technology for the Clever Country: Selected papers from EdTech'92, Adelaide 1-3 October. pp ii+267. Canberra: AJET Publications. ISBN 0 646 11596 0

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