Proc International Interactive Multimedia Symposium 1992
IIMS logo Promaco Conventions (Eds) (1992).

Proceedings of the International
Interactive Multimedia Symposium.

Perth, Western Australia, 27-31 January 1992.

Perth: Promaco Conventions. pp649.
ISBN 1 86308 009 0.

Please address all correspondence to the publishers:
Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd, PO Box 890,
Canning Bridge, WA 6153 Australia
Telephone: +61 8 9332 2900 Fax: +61 8 9332 2911

Published January 1992 by Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd
© Copyright Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd

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Harry EdgarPreface7
Susan Oliver
Commission for the Future, Australia
Opening address9-14

Theme: Developing courseware and networks
Keynote speaker
Professor Alex Romiszowski, USA
Developing IMM courseware and networks17-46
Parallel sessions
Deborah Banham,
New South Wales
Introducing interactive videodisc to the curriculum: The Australian adult migrant English education program47-52
George Borzyskowski,
Western Australia
Interactive multimedia: A graphic designer's view, or do you see what I mean?53-60
Merle Conyer,
New South Wales
"English in the workplace" - CD-ROM, self paced literacy training course61-63,
Peta S. Edwards,
Western Australia
Multimedia and microbiology - an Australian first65-70
Robert Fox and Christy Pinfold, Western AustraliaAn instructional model for multimedia language learning: A case study71-74
Anne Gooley, Steve Towers and John Dekkers, QueenslandQueensland Open Learning Centre Network: Removing the barriers to learning through a multimedia delivery infrastructure75-79
John Harris, Leonard L. Webster and Clive Murden, VictoriaEducation multimedia CD-ROM: A new dimension in distance education81-88
Lyn Henderson,
The Remote Area Teacher Education Programme (RATEP): An interactive multimedia computer application89-95
Mort Kagan, USAThe CUPLE and CATALYST scientific initiatives (abstract only)97
David Lee, South Australia and Leanne Renfree, VictoriaAn interactive videodisc: The competitive edge in manufacturing99-104
Howard R. Loxton and Keith A. Oldfield, Hong KongMoving images in multimedia computer aided learning packages105-109
Mark A. Puchalksi, William Simonsen and Jeanette Cook, USAThe integration of interactive multimedia, cooperative learning and special populations111-116
Lynne Reynolds and Diane Ehrlich, USAMultimedia in industry and education: A decision model for design117-126
William Tan, Singapore and Ann Nguyen, QueenslandCasting models for computer based interactive systems in the Australian tertiary education context: Effects of learning strategies and degrees of interactivity127-148
Anthony Temple and George Borzyskowski, Western AustraliaThe look and feel of multimedia: Three interactive case studies149-156
Anthony Temple, Christy Pinfold, Colin Latchem and Robert Fox, Western AustraliaLanguage Partner - Japanese 1: A case study in cooperative multimediacourseware development157-167
Ray J. Wilson,
Multimedia: Applications in the teaching of building technology (acoustics)169-172
Xiao-Dong Xia,
Beyond hypermedia: Design and implementation of an active document system (abstract only)173-174

Theme: Research
Keynote speaker
Dr Thomas C. Reeves, USA
Research foundations for interactive multimedia177-190
Parallel sessions
Alan Bain, USA and Stephen Houghton, Foo Bah Sah, Rehana Evans and Annemaree Caroll, Western Australia

Interactive video wins in media comparison: Good design makes technology comparisons meaningful (abstract only)

Don Cameron and Jane Barratt, Western AustraliaThe new user of interactive multimedia: Can advance organisers help?193-206
Annemaree Carroll, Stephen Houghton, Western Australia and Alan Bain, USAInteractive video technology: A winner for hyperactive kids (abstract only)207
David Frampton, QueenslandHypermedia, non-linearity and the generation of meaning209-218
John Hedberg and Barry Harper, New South WalesCreating interface metaphors for interactive multimedia219-226
Dave Hobbs and David Moore, UKInstructional technology for student centred learning: The Leeds Polytechnic experience227-234
Harry Lee and Garry Allison, Western AustraliaA comparative study of anatomy by lectures versus ICAL packages to physiotherapy students235-245
Richard Lowe and John Williamson, Western AustraliaDeveloping interactive multimedia courseware: Evaluating instructors' goals and learners' characteristics247-255
Keith A. Oldfield and Kwong Pui Fai, Hong KongLearner performance monitoring and achievement feedback in multimedia learning packages (abstract only)257
Jenny Preece and Gordon Davies, UKMultimedia: Some promises, some problems and some issues in human-systems interaction259-266
Geoff Ring, Western AustraliaResearch and development in computer based learning at Edith Cowan University267-278
T. H. Edgar, C. V. Steffen and D. A. Newman, Western AustraliaDigital storage of image and video sequences for interactive media integration applications: A technical review279-284
Leonard Webster and Suzanne McNamara, VictoriaPower at my fingertips but which button do I press?285-297
Check Yoon Wong, New South WalesResearch directions in hypermedia299-310

Theme: Technology
Parallel sessions
Michael Biggar and Carol Scott, Victoria
Telecommunications networks for remote interactive multimedia313-319
David J. Condon,
New South Wales
The applications of interactive video at British Petroleum and British Telecom321-330
Roger Dickinson, Western AustraliaA Hypercard engine for future hypermedia applications331-333
Stephen Gale, UKRecent advances in networks and video communications (abstract only)335
Athula Ginige and Ruben Gonzalez, New South WalesA workstation architecture for multimedi information systems337-347
Suliman Al-Hawamdeh and Shankar Narayanaswamy, SingaporeAn integrated search strategy for image retrieval349-359
Val Kangsanant, VictoriaThe use of Telecom network services to deliver multimedia applications (abstract only)361-362
Barry Lambert, ACTaXcess Teaching363-367
Clive Murden, Leonard L. Webster and John A. Harris, VictoriaDeveloping multimedia distance education courseware: Choosing software and hardware369-381
P. Nicholson, M. Flower and A. Jennings, VictoriaA multimedia information software system383-391
John Robertson and Kai Foong, New South WalesThe Hyperbase developer's toolkit393-407
Neil A. Shaw and Graham Standfield, VictoriaCompact disc interactive (CD-I): A multimedia system of the future409-414
Donald Yates, Western AustraliaReusable paper complements IMM output (abstract only)415-416

Theme: Education, training and public information
Keynote speaker
Peter Olaf Looms, Denmark
Interactive multimedia in education419-427
Parallel sessions
Scott Balson,
Western Australia
Multimedia: How does business define acceptable standards429-438
John Frylinck and Paul Katris, Western AustraliaInteractive interfacing intermediaries: The role of librarians in IMM?439-447
Mort Kagan, USAComprehensive chemistry curriculum (abstract only)449
T. J. R. Lambert,
Western Australia
Multimedia based computer aided learning in postgraduate medical education: The LMF (Luddite Mentality Factor) as a barrier to entry451-461
June Lennie, Greg Hearn, Dick Schoorl and Tony Stevenson, QueenslandInteractive public information centres for the Queensland Department of Primary Industries: Design and implementation needs and issues463-478
C. A. Maynard and J. A. Maynard, Western AustraliaNavigating for Rally Australia479-481
Larry R. Nelson,
Western Australia
Developing interactive digitised audio courseware on Amiga, Macintosh and PC platforms: A comparison of common support facilities available483-492
Ellen Renner, USAGuided self directed study for the social sciences (abstract only)493-494
Alexander J. Romiszowski, USAConversational systems for adult education and training495-521
Paul B. Rosair and Heinz V. Dreher, Western AustraliaWater Bill 1990 Hypertext Project: A case study525-534
Hock-Guan Tan,
Adopting TELEVIEW (an advanced photo-videotex system) for computer based learning activities535-542
Tony Whittingham and Shirley Alexander, New South WalesLearning Centre of the future (abstract only)543-544

Theme: Multimedia and future directions
Keynote speaker
Dr David Clark, UK
The future of interactivity - is it really a hardware issue?547-556
Parallel sessions
John E. D. Barker and Keith Anthonisz, Western Australia

Developing an interactive multimedia industry (abstract only)

Ian Conboy, VictoriaThe Victorian experience: Five years on with telematics559-563
Harry Edgar and Tom Docherty, Western AustraliaMultimedia: Has it a future in Australia?565-571
A. Jennings, M. Flower and P. Nicholson, VictoriaA multimedia shop573-583
Bob Hardingham and Roy Lundin, QueenslandInteractive multimedia and curriculum operations in professional education585-596
Richard Heale, Western AustraliaTo CBT (Competency Based training) with CBT (Computer Based Training) is more a question of interactive multimedia (abstract only)597
Lexie Henderson-Lancett, Western AustraliaIdentifying directions for interactive multimedia: A university dilemma599-602
Clare McBeath and Roger Atkinson, Western AustraliaCurriculum, instructional design and the technologies: Communicating the educational message603-612
Suzanne McNamara and Leonard Webster, VictoriaMultimedia BUT... (Boffins using thingummybobs or beginners understanding technology)613-619
Greg Pollock,
New South Wales
Stop the multimedia merry-go-round: I want to get off621-627
G. F. Rehn,
Western Australia
An overview of the application within Edith Cowan University of interactive learning technologies in distance education for adult Aboriginal learners in remote and rural Western Australia629-634
Ian States,
Western Australia
Promise and problem: Interactive technologies and the DEC635-640
Luis Valaderes Tavares,
Interactive multimedia for vocational training (abstract only)641
Late additions
Merle Conyer,
New South Wales
"English in the workplace" - CD-ROM, self paced literacy training course61-63,

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